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Pizza Tuesday

No flash flooding today, but another storm expected tomorrow, I figured I’d better head to the deli and pick up potato salad for Thursday’s Sweetheart Potluck, get that out of the way while it was dry outside.
The seniors actually celebrated Valentine’s Day at bingo on the 14th. I’d gotten a text from Apache asking if I’d come down and take pictures for the facebook page, as there was a crowd in the room and lots of themed prizes on the bingo table. That was one of the days when the storm was at its worst, so even though it didn’t deter other residents not one bit, I said no way.
“Might be pretty interesting” says he.
That was intriguing, but no way was I going to head out in the downpour.
I later learned it was interesting because he’d received ten Valentine Cards, some with telephone numbers on them.
Not at all sure I believed him, wanting to see those cards, I thought I’d catch up with him in the Community Room this Pizza Tuesday, before leaving the complex to pick up potato salad.
I arrived too late. He’d been there and was gone. However, it was lucky I stopped in because there was a notice posted indicating the Potluck has been rescheduled to next week.
Activity Director said it’s because, with no Community Manager, there’s no one available to issue her cash for sandwiches, chips and drinks she’d planned to provide.
Us residents are just to bring side dishes and desserts.
It was also lucky I stopped in because I got to witness first hand when Activity Director spoke to the room saying she’d received complaints about how some of the ladies handled themselves last Pizza Tuesday. She’d reviewed the video tape, seen with her own eyes and inasmuch as this is a recurring problem with people she isn’t going to name (we all know who ... Greedy Grabby and her crew), that she will be reviewing the tape each week when she’s not here and if she sees these same people behaving badly again, they will be banned from Pizza Tuesday.
It’s about time she took a hard line with that group.
I clapped at the end of her speech.
And yes, the Community Room is wired. It looks like a command center in the Manager’s Office with a screen that shows what’s going on in various locations of the complex while recording at the same time so management can play back to a particular time.
Oddly enough, not everyone knows they’re being taped and a few culprits have been caught sneaking around, taking things that don’t belong to them, getting themselves banned, but still a lot goes unobserved and management rarely reviews the tapes to track complained of incidents.
At any rate, with the giveaway under Activity Director’s control this morning, there was plenty to go around.
Some of the pizzas were heart shaped.

So with no activities this week, all the interesting 5Ks too far away, too cold outside to walk or hunt Pokémon, it’s back to vegging on the couch.

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