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Crisis 2012 Purchase

Yesterday I went to the CRISIS meeting in Antwerp, Belgium. And as every year I spended some money on buying things. And as every year you start with a wishlist, and when you come home you have bought some things that wasn't on that list. But most of the time these are things you couldn't resist.

Let's start with the overview!

As every year when you enter and you have payed entrance you get a special figure of the event. This time it's a figure called "Peter Minuit", sculpted by Paul Sicks and moulded by Griffing Moulds. Thank you Crisis-team for another fine figure!

And now the purchases. First of all a 1/32 scale set where I was looking for some time now. It's the Italeri French Imperial General Staff. It costed some money but it's worth it.

Next is a set that was not complete (it missed the donkeys) but for "one" euro, it was more as a bargain! It's from Nexus, and it's the old re-issue from the Atlantic set "Davy Crockett".

Another 1/72 set I bought is the Zvezda  "Lifeguard Cossacks".

And now the things where I spended most of my monney on. These are 5 sets of the excellent Zinnfiguren Schilling "Retreat from Moscow" range. I also bought some loose figures of them, but they aren't shown on the pictures.

And to finish, I bought myself a 28 mm figure. I bought this with a special purpose. Here you see it in blue colour, but I will paint it pink for "Breast Cancer Fundraising " at the Tales of a Tabletop Skirmisher blog. It's for the good cause, and I would like to give them a little help from my side. The figure is not a "Pulp City" figure, but every figure would do if it's painted pink.
It's from www.microartstudio.com and is called "Wolsung Lord James Foley". I will try to post a step by step WIP on my blog the following two weeks. It needs to be finished within 11 days, and as I'm not a specialist on this kind of figures, it will be a hard job for me.

I also bought some Valejo washes and some seperate figures, but no pictures of them. That's all folks! Pictures of CRISIS will follow later on this week.

Also welcome to a new follower:
- Jonathan from The Inevitable Spark

Welcome to my blog!!!!!

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