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Kill Kitchen

Yesterday was my "Parent Helper Day" at the twins preschool. I'm supposed to bring the daily snack and basically just play with the kids all morning and help with clean-up/set-up. Its generally really fun, but in my effort to be "Super Fun Awesome Mommy" I ended up hurting a kids feelings and putting him at risk of a painful death. You see, I decided to make Banana Bread the night before. No nuts, of course, because nuts are evil these days. So, I stayed up til midnight, made my treat and happily lugged 3 loaves to school yesterday morning. Sounds great right?

Well, turns out that the policy on food is that we are only allowed to bring in processed, store bought items with labels, created in a nut free factory. My kitchen is a health risk because all of my utensils and counters and ovens and such have been exposed to nuts. Doh. The teachers let me serve my snack anyway, but the child with the allergies had to eat cheddar bunnies while looking longingly at all the rest of the kids scarfing my banana bread. I kinda felt like shit.

Oh well. Next time I'll bring the most processed, preservative ridden snacks I can find. The thing that makes me saddest is how we seem to have really messed SOMEthing up in our world when a good portion of kids are allergic to a great portion of the natural environment (sesame, nuts, eggs) while at the same time evidence is growing that all of the science-made food is killing us slowly. Seems like no matter what snack you bring, you are sending some kid or another to an early grave. I know I'm being dramatic... but still.

Anyway, this is what I wore:

Shoes: Zara
Shoes on A.ro: Aldo
Jacket: Zara

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